
Skinhead is a subculture that arose in the United Kingdom in the late 1960s. Skinheads are commonly called just “skins”.

Skinheads are characterized by their close-cropped or completely shaven hair, distinctive clothing (especially boots and braces) and love of skinhead music. But more importantly, being a skinhead is not a fashion choice, it’s a way of life.

Contrary to the popular belief, not all skinheads are racist. The sub-subculture of racist / nazi skinheads (often referred to as boneheads by traditional skinheads) emerged later.

Origin of the skinhead

Skinheads first emerged in the United Kingdom in the late 1960s. It was initially a working-class movement, but it later attracted middle-class youths as well.

Skinheads were characterized by their close-cropped hair, working-class clothing, and their love of ska and reggae music. They were often involved in violence, particularly against immigrants and ethnic minorities. The skinhead subculture has been appropriated by neo-Nazis and white supremacists in recent years, leading to increased violence and bigotry.

The original skinheads were working class youths who were attracted to the mod subculture, which emphasised fashion and music. Skinheads adopted the mod style of dress, including short haircuts and suits. They also listened to ska and rocksteady music, which was popular with mods.

Skinhead culture was initially associated with violence and racism, but this has changed over time. Today, skinhead culture is more associated with working class pride and anti-racism.

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